The alignment of blades during rotation demonstrates the full force to knife-edge return that makes the Power Mill so unique and effective.
We believe that the unique alignment of the Power Mill 'lock-gate' blades during rotation, from full-face to knife-edge return, is the most efficient conversion of natural energy sources to electricity that it is mechanically possible to achieve.
The model below demonstrates the rotation in action. Compared to the inefficient glancing force of conventional propellor blades used in dams, wind farms and lagoons, the Power Mill blades are working with the flow to achieve maximum efficiency.
Generating electricity from both directions
Generating electricity from one direction
Generating electricity from any direction
Electric vehicles powered by batteries will benefit from ultra low cost off-peak electricity, recharging vehicles overnight without the need for fossil fuels or nuclear.
Hydrogen power stations will be built along riverbanks to produce green hydrogen from off-peak electricity. This will allow for the cars and homes of the future to be built today.
All sizes of rivers have the capacity and potential to generate renewable and predictable green electricity, with increased flow during the winter months when demand is at its greatest.
The UK is in an exceptionally fortunate position having the highest usable tidal range in the world in the Severn Estuary. Power Mills tidal farms have the capacity and potential to generate all of the UK’s predictable electricity needs for 22 hours a day for thousands of years.
The biggest industrial nations of the World are all fortunate to benefit from large and substantial river networks that will make a major contribution towards them reducing carbon emissions, tackling global warming and provide power where it's needed.
The combination of floats and ballast tanks incorporated into river and tidal caissons will continually keep the Power Mill blades at the optimum level, to always generate the maximum amount of electricity.
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